I am a theoretical physicist at NORDITA in Stockholm. My expertise is in topological quantum matter and computational materials science. Currently I am using AI to generate new topological materials for quantum devices.

Email: alextyner[at]gmail.com


NORDITA Fellow → NORDITA, 2023-Current
PhD Applied Physics→ Northwestern University, 2017-2023
BSc Mathematics and Physics → Davidison College, 2012-2016

Recent Works:

  • A.C. Tyner*, S. Sur*, D. Puggioni, Q. Zhou, P. Darancet, J.M. Rondinelli, and P. Goswami, In-plane Wilson loop for measurement of quantized non-Abelian Berry flux, Phys. Rev. B 109 (19), 195149 (2024)

  • A.C. Tyner, BerryEasy: A GPU enabled python package for diagnosis of nth-order and spin-resolved topology in the presence of fields and effects, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (2024)

  • A.C. Tyner, C. Grindall, and J.H. Pixley, Decoupling the electronic gap from the spin Chern number in disordered higher-order topological insulators,

  • A.C. Tyner and V. Juricic, Three-dimensional Z topological insulators without reflection symmetry, Sci. Rep. 14, 4288 (2024)

  • P. Krantz, A.C. Tyner†, et. al, Intrinsic Magnetism is KTaO3 Heterostructures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 093102 (2024)

  • A.C. Tyner and S. Sur, Dipolar Weyl-Semimetals, Phys. Rev. B 109, L081101 (2024)

  • A.C. Tyner, S.M. Griffin, A.V. Balatsky, Electron-phonon coupling in copper-substituted lead phosphate apatite, arXiv:2312.12187

  • A.C. Tyner*, S. Sur*, D. Puggioni, J.M. Rondinelli, and P. Goswami, Topology of three-dimensional Dirac semimetals and generalized quantum spin Hall systems without gapless edge modes, Phys. Rev. Res. 5(1), L012019 (2023)

  • A.C. Tyner and P. Goswami, Spin-charge separation and quantum spin Hall effect of β-bismuthene, Sci. Rep. 13(1), 11393 (2023)

*Authors contributed equally †First theory author