About me.

I am a postdoctoral fellow at NORDITA in Stockholm. Originally from California, I completed my PhD in applied physics at Northwestern University with a focus on discovery and diagnosis of topological quantum matter. I am motivated by both practical problems and abstract mathematical concepts. I enjoy building computational tools, generally incorporating AI and density functional theory with the help and guidance of amazing collaborators around the world.

In my free time I love to travel and run long distances. I have run more than 25 marathons with a personal best of 2:28. I have also run a number of 100k ultra marathons. If you are interested in learning more about my work or collaborating please feel free to reach out.

Curriculum Vitae

  • -NORDITA Research Fellow, Stockholm, Se


    -PhD Applied Physics

    Northwestern University, Evanston, Il, USA


    Advisor: Pallab Goswami

    Thesis: Topological classification of time-reversal invariant quantum materials

    -B.Sc. Mathematics & Physics

    Davidson College, Davidson, NC, USA


    Magna Cum Laude

  • Journal Publications:

    1. A.C. Tyner and P. Goswami, Spin-charge separation and quantum spin Hall effect of β-bismuthene, Sci. Rep. 13(1), 11393 (2023)

    2. A.C. Tyner*, S. Sur*, D. Puggioni, J.M. Rondinelli, and P. Goswami, Topology of three-dimensional Dirac semimetals and generalized quantum spin Hall systems without gapless edge modes, Phys. Rev. Res. 5(1), L012019 (2023)

    3. M. Cheng, A. K. Iyer, X. Zhou, A.C. Tyner†, Y. Liu, M.A. Shehzad, P. Goswami, D.Y. Chung, M.G. Kanatzidis, and V.P. Dravid, Tuning the Structural and Magnetic Properties in Mixed Cation MnxCo2–xP2S6, Inorganic chemistry 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c01116 (2022)

    4. M.A. Shehzad, Y.S. Lee, M. Cheng, D. Lebedev, A.C. Tyner†, P.M. Das, Z. Gao, P. Goswami, R.D. Reis, M.C. Hersam, X. Chen, and V.P. Dravid, Vapor-liquid assisted chemical vapor deposition of Cu2X materials, 2D Mat. 9, 045013 (2022)

    5. D. Jiang, A.C. Tyner, and P. Goswami, Mechanism of skyrmion condensation and pairing for twisted bilayer graphene, Phys. Rev. B 105, 184505 (2022)

    5. M.A. Shehzad, P.M. Das, A.C. Tyner†, M. Cheng, Y.S. Lee, P. Goswami, R.D. Reis, X. Chen, and V.P. Dravid, Synthesis of layered vs planar Mo2C: role of Mo diffusion, 2D Mat. 9, 045013 (2022)

    Recent Preprints/Under Review:

    1. A.C. Tyner, S. Sur, Q. Zhou, D. Puggioni, P. Darancet, J.M. Rondinelli, and P. Goswami, Non-Abelian Stoked theorem and quantized Berry flux, arXiv:2102.06207 (in review)

    2. A.C. Tyner and P. Goswami, Part I: Staggered index and 3D winding number of Kramers degenerate bands, arXiv:2109.06871 (in review)

    3. A.C. Tyner and P. Goswami, Part II: Witten Effect and Z classification of three-dimensional topological insulators, arXiv:2206.10636 (in review)

    4. A.C. Tyner and S. Sur, Dipolar Weyl Semimetals, arXiv:2212.07404 (in review)

    5. Y. Wang, A.C. Tyner, P. Goswami, Fundamentals of crystalline Hopf insulators, arXiv:2301.08244

    6. P. Krantz, A.C. Tyner†, P. Goswami, and V. Chandrasekhar, Emergent Magnetism and Intrinsic Anomalous Hall Effect in KTaO3 Two-Dimensional Electron Gases, arXiv:2209.10534

    7. S. Sur*, A.C. Tyner*, and P. Goswami, Mixed-order topology of Benalcazar-Bernevig-Hughes models, arXiv:2201.07205 (2022)

    *Authors contributed equally †First theory author

  • 1. Contributed Presentation: AI guided topological material discovery and design, Condensed matter physics in the city, London, UK, July 2023

    2. Invited Presentation: AI guided topological material discovery and design, UCSC Condensed Matter Seminar, Santa Cruz, CA, May 2023

    3. Poster Presentation: Solitons and real-space screening of bulk topology, Novel States of Quantum Matter in Moiré Materials, Aspen Institute, March 2023

    4. Oral Presentation: Solitons and real-space screening of bulk topology, APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, March 2023

    5. Poster Presentation: Symmetry indicators vs bulk winding numbers of real materials, Gordon Conference on strongly correlated electron systems, Mount Holyoke College, June 2022

    6. Poster Presentation: Symmetry indicators vs bulk winding numbers of real materials, TopCorr conference, Max Planck institute for physics of complex systems, Dresden, De, April 2022